Could Becoming An Uber Eats Driver Make Sense For Your Lifestyle And Your Wallet?
You like the sound of using your car to make extra money, but giving rides to strangers at all hours just isn’t your thing. You can still use your wheels to reel in some cash by delivering meals on your own schedule. Check out Uber Eats, a mobile, app-based food delivery platform that’s similar to GrubHub, DoorDash, and Postmates. Deciding when you pick up and deliver food to Uber Eats customers is up to you – choose the hours and locations that work for your schedule. Before you know it, you might be bringing home the bacon from a lucrative Uber Eats side gig.

Background Check
To become an Uber Eats driver, you’ll need to pass a background check, and the entire process usually takes just a couple of days. Via your Social Security number, Uber conducts its own free, private background checks to confirm your driving record and review any criminal history.
Depending on your home city and state, Uber Easts requires that you be at least 19 years old to make deliveries by car. If you prefer to make deliveries via bicycle, you’ll need to be at least 18. Age requirements for deliverers can vary by region; Uber’s website provides information on the age requirements specific to your area.
If you plan to deliver Uber Eats using your car or scooter, check with your insurance company to confirm you have proper coverage. In case of any accidents, Uber provides its drivers up to $1 million of liability insurance while you’re accepting and completing deliveries.

Delivery By Car
Food for thought: to deliver Uber Eats by car you’ll need at least one year of driving experience, and your car can be a two- or four-door model from 1997 or later. Before you hit the road, you’ll also need to show a valid driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof that your car is insured.

Delivery By Scooter
Some numbers to keep in mind if you’re planning to serve up Uber Eats from your scooter: you must be at least 19 years old, and your scooter must be under 50cc and not exceed 30 mph. As with car deliveries, you’ll need to show a valid driver’s license, registration, and vehicle insurance.

Delivery By Bicycle
You must be at least 18 years old to make deliveries via bicycle and must present a state-issued ID. Although they’re a bit slower, bike deliveries take a back seat to nothing when it comes to ease – you can use any style bicycle you want.