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This Is How You Stay Fit & Maintain Your Fitness Regime While Travelling

We all know that staying fit is not something you do for a few weeks and then give up. For a fit and healthy body, you have to be consistent and don’t skip workouts. But what can you do if you need to travel or your work requires a lot of moving around cities or countries? There are many things that can prevent you from going to the gym or breaking a sweat, but if you’re determined to reach your goals, anything is possible.

Here are a few ideas on how to work out and fit it into a busy schedule or while traveling. And if you skip a day or two, you won’t set back your progress by following our next tips.

20. Quick Workouts

There’s always time to squeeze a quick workout during the day. You see, if you don’t workout at all during your travels, it will feel more difficult to start again as you have unpacked your suitcase back at home. So whether you’re visiting family, go on a fun trip or to work, here are some workouts you can try…

19. In The Outdoors

A way to workout without realizing is to plan outdoor adventures. You see the world, walk a lot and take in as much as you can as you visit new cities, hike, swim, and so on. Most places in the world have places and outdoor activities that you can enjoy.

18. Active Trips and Travel Tours

If you plan on going on a holiday, then it’s very easy to also plan your workouts ahead. Book a trip around a sport or an activity that keeps you pumped. You’re going to Cuba? Learn the art of dance. You can also look for salsa classes in Havana.

17. Yoga Classes

If you are into yoga, search a yoga retreat – there are many destinations around the world that offer the “yoga holiday.” In your spare time you can rent a bike and visit the city! Choose a safe place and you can even do your workout routine…

16. Walking and Routines

Wander around cities or go hiking with a guide and friends. Whenever you have a few spare moments, try some exercises from your routine if the place is safe. Working out in the outdoors is a healthy option – just look at this brave woman!

15. A Free Day

You’re in a new city, you’ve got a free day and nothing to do? Take your yoga mat, your shake and the comfiest shoes and look for a park to begin your workout. Use your own body and track your progress with smart bracelets. Look for stairs to climb and track your movement.

14. A Few Minutes

It only takes a few minutes a day to move and keep fit. And with such new places to explore, swimming, running, hiking and walking are perfect! You see new places and you keep moving, which is healthy for your body. Whenever you can, do squats, do some planking in an epic location, just because you can!


13. Hotel Gyms

If you cannot take your weights with you, when you book a hotel, ask if they have a gym or if there are gyms around and go work up a sweat. Some hotels have a swimming pool – and that’s great for exercise. You can also try classes like pilates, boxing and more if you want something new.

12. Indoor Workout

Maybe you cannot squeeze in some workouts outside, and that is totally fine. You can opt for an indoor activity that you can also use outside whenever you want to. The best thing about it is that you do not need equipment for it. Check out some of the next tips for a few routines that you can try on your own…

11. Think Light and Portable

If you do want some gear with you, think light and portable, like fitness bands. Many workout plans can be done in the hotel room or in local parks. Use your smartphone as your unlimited classes of workouts, yoga classes, Zumba classes, workout music and so on. Now get on the mat and try these exercises.


10. Abs and a “Sexy Stomach”

According to Katherine Greiner of KGBody, this following routine works those abs, lower back and the stomach: Step it up, Leg lift, and Tap it Out– each one repeated for 10 times and two repetitions. Then, finish with these next moves.

9. A Strong Core

Downward Dog Reach – 10 times for two sets. These are the only exercises you need to do for a strong core, explained Greiner: “The moves work the obliques, abs, and lower back to reveal a strong, sexy stomach,” Greiner says.

If you’ve got more time, try this 20-minute cardio circuit at #3.

8. Arms Challenge

Work the core, shoulders and back muscles with three repeats or ten sets of the following exercises:

Plank Ups, Lateral Plank Walks, Burpees With Push-Ups, Planks With Shoulder Taps, Diamond Push-Ups, Mountain Climber Twists. It takes 10 minutes to finish the exercise and tomorrow you won’t be able to lift your arms!


7. Cardio Blast

Burn some fat in just 10 minutes with this workout. For beginners, try 30 seconds of work and 30 seconds of rest. Intermediate can have 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest, and advanced 50 seconds of work and 10 of rest: two reps of Mock Jumping Rope, Burpee With Push-Up, Squat Jump, Plank Taps, Jumping Lunge.

6. Total Body Workout

You can do this 10-minute total body workout and not even break a sweat – which is perfect if you’re traveling! Each of the next moves must be repeated for two minutes, with 30 seconds of break in between them: Bodyweight Squats, Push-Ups, Plank With T-Rotation (each side one minute), Alternating Standing Oblique Crunches.

5. Missing Leg Day?

If you feel like you’ve missed leg day, try this exercise:

Two reps of 30 seconds per each side: Plié Squat pulses and One Foot Raised, Alternating Side Lunges, Curtsy Kicks, Clamshells. Do two reps of 15 seconds: Skater Hops and Jumping Jacks. Do two reps of 30 seconds: Goblet Squats and Pilates Scissors.

4. Ladder Routine

Sweat with this ladder routine – each exercise should have 30 seconds of break. It involves many many Air Punches and Burpees Air Punches – just the right amount to sweat it out! If you’re not into this routine, then try this cardio circuit…

3. Cardio Circuit

Each of the following exercises should last for one minute – repeat them four times: Jumping Lunges, Wall Sit With Hands Up, Jumping Squats, Plank Rest.

As you can see, all the exercises mentioned so far do not require a special place – just enough room to move around. And you don’t need equipment or weights.

2. You Can Have It All

It is possible to travel, enjoy life, party and stay healthy and strong while having the time of your life. You just have to live in the moment and squeeze in some exercises. Healthy eating is also very important and part of your fitness goals!

1. Live Your Life

You do not have to think of exercise as a chore. If you’re biking around the city, walk a few miles a day or go hiking from time to time and on small trips, you’re one step ahead!
