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These Turn-Offs Actually Go Unnoticed When You’re Truly In Love

Love is blind, right? At the very least, love can make us blind to certain traits and behaviors that would typically drive us up one side of the wall and down the other. We’re not talking about red flags here. We’re talking about those little things that falling in love makes you blind to. Wauters

Sometimes, it can take a while to notice those little things that pop up later on, after the stars have left your eyes. If your romance can endure these little things, you could be meant to be. But if you find that something from the forthcoming list REALLY grinds your gears, don’t blame your partner- it was probably there all along…!

Eating Too Loudly

OM NOM NOM NOM! Some of us chow down like the Cookie Monster, whether it’s a burger and fries or some fine dining fanciness. While the sounds of scarfing can grate on many people’s nerves, you don’t always catch it when you’re preoccupied with how cute they look in that dress or in that suit, with their hair like that.

Six months later, you’re thinking, “Boy, they snarf those nachos down.” You can probably hear the lips smacking already.


Oh, they’re so peaceful when they’re sleeping. They’re adorable in that post-coitus zonk. Look at them, breathing softly. Oh no, wait…that’s snoring. They are purring like a diesel engine. When we’re in love, those purrs, snorts, growls, and snarfs don’t seem to matter. It’s just another part of the person we love.

Sleep apnea can’t come between two star-crossed lovers. Or so you thought, until you had to deal with it every night.

Wearing Holey Socks

We’re not talking about special socks, blessed by the divine. We’re talking about the socks that have been worn day after day since high school. They’re worn in, and they’re comfortable; there are holes in the toes and heel that can’t be darned.

It’s easy to overlook our partner’s tendency to wear every undergarment down to the last thread when we’re in love, but at least they’re frugal.

Having Unkempt Hair scatterbrained

From an untamed cowlick to late ’60s shaggy, we don’t care what our partner’s hair looks like when we’re in love. It’s just more to run our fingers through. But when it comes time to meet the parents, take engagement photos, or do that whole wedding thing, we might change our tune a little about the unkempt hair.

A little pomade can do wonders. Hair gel or a trim might be in order, at least for those particularly special occasions.



Sometimes, when we laugh and try to breathe at the same time, we make a sound like, well, a piggy. But that’s alright, in most cases. What matters is that you’re having fun together. In fact, if you can make that snort laugh come out, it just means that your partner has let their guard down.

You’re seeing them for real because they’re comfortable around you. But maybe that snorting could get old after some time.

Laughing Obnoxiously Steeds

Kind of like the snort-laugh, having a loud, honking, or otherwise obnoxious laugh is sometimes a turn-off. But when you’re in love with someone, you fall in love with everything about them, including the fact that maybe their laugh sounds kind of like an angry goose or a screeching mountain goat.

Honk, honk baby. That’s the sound of love. At least until you’re three years in and your eardrums are destroyed by that shrieky laugh.

Being A Blanket Thief

This is one that you don’t always run into right away. Some people just need all the covers. It doesn’t matter how big or small they are; it’s going to be a fight to get them back. If this is true love, like for real love, maybe keep an extra blanket under your side of the bed just in case.

Or maybe offer your body heat instead. A good snuggle never hurt anyone, and you’ll both get to be warm and enjoy time together all at once.


Allergies can be a real pain, and the kicker is that everyone is affected differently. Seasonal allergies for a Midwesterner might not crop up if they move to the coast, or they may not be as debilitating. Likewise, a move to the Midwest might bring a newfound corn pollen allergy they never had before.

If this is true, stock up on the antihistamine, buy an air filter, and close the windows when that time rolls around. You can’t prevent them, but you can use some great at-home remedies to deal with allergies.


Having Terrible Fashion Sense

She mixes plaid and stripes. He wears nothing but long-sleeve T-shirts, even in July. We all have those fashion faux pas that we make once in a while, but it’s not what we put on the outside that counts, right? After all, it’s like the old saying: real beauty is within.

We can probably overlook the brown shoes with black slacks. If someone has a unique fashion style, let them rock it. It’s part of what makes them special.

Walking Around In Ratty Shoes

Whether it’s a product of poverty, practicality, or just plain not really caring, some of us will wear a pair of shoes until the soles fall off. Then we’ll superglue the soles back on, duct tape everything back together, and keep wearing them. At least you know they won’t be cluttering the closet with 50 pairs of Jordans or stilettos.

Let them have their ratty shoes, but maybe have a fresh pair on standby for their birthday. Follow their lead when it comes to footwear.

Having To Wear Funky Work Clothes

Not everyone works 9 to 5 in an office. Some folks are called to jobs that come with certain…scents. Maybe they come home smelling like a deep fryer, or a barn, or motor oil. When you’re in love, though, that doesn’t matter. You will still greet them with a hug and a kiss as soon as they come through the door.

Funky like a chicken? How loose is your goose? Regardless of what your partner smells like, you’ll probably go nose deaf to it sooner or later.

Not Shaving Extra Body Hair

It’s the 21st century, and it’s time to be ok again with the fact that humans can be furry. Shaving and grooming body hair, while it can be traced back to ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, wasn’t really a beauty expectation until the 20th century. Stubble on the legs and armpits, or furry backs and shoulders, shouldn’t be a deal-breaker when you’re in love.

The entire body is covered in hair, so don’t be so worried. Have a conversation about expectations regarding body hair if it is of particular concern to you.


Having An Insatiable Appetite

Our bodies need fuel to run, right? Some bodies require more fuel, as they can seemingly never get enough. When the love of your life is putting the all-you-can-eat buffet out of business, you’re not turned off at all. You’re even impressed. Actually, it might just be a turn on.

Pizza, fries, chicken wings…yes please! Just make sure you’re on the same page about weight and eating habits as you go along.

Being Untidy

We’re talking about being a slob. What we mean is maybe they forget to put things away after using them. Maybe they put off folding their laundry. This isn’t a total deal-breaker like leaving milk on the counter with the cap off in July. Perhaps it could even be an excuse to leave notes a la “I love you. Have a good day at work.”

“…PS, put your dirty socks in the hamper.” If you have the patience, this habit isn’t too big of a deal to live with on a daily basis.

Wearing Band T-Shirts Every Single Day Rana

It’s great to have things you’re passionate about, and music lovers tend to be compassionate souls. Yes, even death metal fans are included there (there’s an argument that they are the most vulnerable). You might find that your music-loving partner has a band shirt for every day of the year.

It’s not a big deal, and when the T-shirts wear out and need to be retired, you can opt for a cute gift and have them made into a quilt. Who doesn’t love a big T-shirt?

Being Obsessed With A Particular Holiday Little

Holidays mean a lot to people. They can mean family, togetherness, celebration, and just a chance to be yourself. If your love is getting super stoked about Halloween, suggest a Gomez and Morticia costume. Offer to plan the 4th of July BBQ. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Rosh Hashanah, and Eid al Fitr involve family and feasting.

Offer to help them make a dish to share at dinner with their (and your) loved ones. Holidays can only help bring the two of you closer.


Drinking Cheap Booze Solis

Sometimes it’s a regional pride thing when it comes to alcohol. Ask any Iowan about Busch Light or any Pennsylvanian about Yuengling. Some folks want a whiskey and Coke, and whatever’s in the well will be just fine. Having a refined palate might be desirable to some people, but do you care?

You’ll have just as much fun together on a Friday night drinking $4 wine as you will drinking the finest scotch. What really matters is that you’re together.

Being A Picky Eater

Cheeseburger with the works, hold the pickle, lettuce, tomato, onion, and the cheese too. So your partner has a picky palate, and maybe that makes eating out a little tricky. But it’s nothing you can’t work around, whether it’s a texture thing, an allergy, a religious restriction, or they simply don’t like bananas.

Maybe you’ll be enjoying your chicken tikka masala while they enjoy their cheese pizza; either way, you’re still sharing a meal.

Having A Dad/Mom Bod

We can’t all be Jack LaLanne, and life sometimes means we put on a few pounds here and there or lose our beach body. That person you fell in love with is still the same after a baby, after taking an office job, after their metabolism changes, and after nothing changes because that was just their body all along.

We don’t have to look like calendar models to be sexy, loving partners. Just be honest with yourself about what kind of bodies you’re cool with.

Talking About Politics GDC

It seems like we’re more politically conscious than we’ve ever been, and that can cause a lot of friction. But no two people are going to be carbon copies of each other, and that goes for political views. He doesn’t support raising the local sales tax. She thinks your candidate is great but likes her own better.

Those differences don’t seem to matter, though, because their hearts are in the right place. As long as people make their own informed decisions, it’s best to let them have their own opinion.


Being Overly Religious

Religion is a deeply personal thing. Maybe we inherit some of our belief systems from our parents; maybe we spend years searching for the answers ourselves before we discover our actual beliefs. However, we come to it or move away from it; differing religions isn’t a deal-breaker for true love.

When you respect each other’s beliefs and make understanding a part of your relationship, different spiritual approaches don’t seem insurmountable. Maybe you are just more spiritual than anything.

Teeth Sucking

This turn-off is one of those habits that some people find disgusting, from the thing itself to the sound it makes; however, it seems like love gives us the uncanny ability to ignore it. Be advised, though, that once those initial twitterpated feelings subside, you may start to notice things that you didn’t catch when the endorphins were flowing.

This one is definitely on the weirder side, but all people have their own interesting quirks, and it may just be that your person has this one.

Fidgeting Victoriia Z

Some of us just cannot sit still for anything. We get restless legs and play with our fingers. We get antsy at the movie because our bodies are telling us that we’ve got to keep moving. All that boundless energy can be taxing on our partners, but we’re also struggling.

Look at it this way: we’ll always want to go on a walk with you. Get us out of the house and we’ll be constant companions on any adventure.


Now and then, you run across someone who could clear out an open-air concert with their methane output. It could be diet, or it could be a natural talent. Either way, for most people, this is the wrong kind of “vocalization”; however, if you’re in love, this might be one of those things you let slide.

Just make sure they crack a window. Or maybe give you some advance notice first, so you can clear out and spare yourself.


Having Bland Tastebuds Feast Catering

The cousin of the picky eater, someone with bland tastebuds doesn’t need a whole lot of zest in their food. Mayo is just fine. If you’re the type that likes to cook with an assortment of spices, don’t expect this person to be impressed. That being said, if you wish to cook, maybe having to make two pots of chili (yours and theirs) isn’t such a bad thing.

Just ketchup, please. Wait, maybe ketchup is even too much. On the bright side, you’ll get to try two different versions of anything you share!

Being A Hot Sauce Junkie

A dash of Tabasco is never enough, and Sriracha is for amateurs. When you’re in love, you won’t care if your cupboards are loaded with the hottest hot sauces, your vegetable crisper is occupied by exotic peppers, and your partner is drenching everything with as many scovilles as possible.

Just a warning: this trait turns into the deadliest farts. At least things won’t be boring. And if you want some time alone, you can clear the room easily.

Having Some Gnarly Feet

Sometimes it can’t be helped, like weirdly long toes. Other times it’s just a product of their occupation. What do you care? When love is blind, pedicures are always affordable. As long as their feet are clean and not stinky, it’s no big deal. Can your significant other cross their toes (or are they automatically crossed all the time because their bones are funky)?

Something that would turn someone else off is just another reason for you to love your partner. No, not that kind of gnarly, dude.

Being A Caffeine Addict Hauser

Can’t function without the morning [pot of] coffee? Energy drink cans littering the floor of the car? All right, so maybe your love is so wired that they can taste sounds. On the bright side, you won’t ever have to worry about them running out of energy, and those energy shots make great stocking stuffers.

You might go through caffeine withdrawals if you quit. And you’ll never have to worry about your person getting tired and leaving you alone somewhere.


Smoking Cigars

Cigars are an acquired taste for sure, and not everyone is going to be super keen on the lingering smell they can leave behind. But love involves some compromising, and if your partner enjoys relaxing with the occasional cigar, you’ll gladly give them that chance. Of course, that’s as long as it’s outside, at a lounge, or it doesn’t permeate the entire house.

They smell and taste…unique. But after a while, you’ll probably stop noticing the smell entirely, since you’ll be so used to it.

Being A Music Snob esq.

At least you’ll never have to worry about finding a good radio station on your road trips. Your partner will already have a (lengthy) playlist set up, and they’ll give you the backstory behind every song. You might not share the same musical tastes, but you’ll love finding new music.

And if they don’t diss your tastes, does it really matter if you’re not 100% on the same page? Music is a universal language!

Being An NPR Junkie’s TheDigitel

For most of us, tuning in is one way to get straightforward reporting or a background voice to keep us company at the office. Some folks are obsessed: every podcast, every program, every single hourly news update. It’s pretty nerdy when they can match the announcer’s name to their voice.

Still, that level of fandom is no different from someone who knows all the names on a sports team’s roster. It’s kind of endearing in a way.

Collecting Too Much esq.

Books, records, movies, and games bring a lot of joy into people’s lives, and some people get obsessed. They don’t just want one copy. They want the first edition, the re-release, the special edition, and the text with the misprint on the cover. Anything that lets them amass yet another version or type of the thing they collect is going to get them excited.

If it’s not causing clutter, let them indulge. On the bright side, you’ll always know what to get them for a gift. And maybe some of their collection will be valuable later!


Drinking Top Shelf

The literary foil to the person who drinks cheap booze is the person who only drinks the finest alcohol or has a favorite brand, where nothing else will do. You’ll enjoy trying new things, though, and they can probably talk your ear off about the history, creation, and flavor of their favorite drink.

Just know that you have an expensive date waiting for you. But this kind of knowledge also proves how smart your significant other can be!

Hating Pets Slater (used to be Wildlife Encounters)

We know there are many people out there that this would be a deal-breaker for, but if you’re in love, you might be willing to forego having a furry friend around. Maybe they’re allergic to the dander or had a bad childhood experience that put them off. You never know!

We also know that sometimes, the most ardent pet hater can be swayed when the right companion cracks that wall around their heart.

Scream Sneezing

Some people really let loose, and they end up scaring the wits out of you with their sneezes. Hey, you’ll always know what part of the house they’re in. We really shouldn’t crack jokes, though. Scream sneezes can be painful sometimes, for both the sneezer and any victims whose eardrums happen to be in range.

If it’s true love, pick up some tissues and antihistamine, and try not to give them too hard of a time. They probably can’t help it!

Following Conspiracy Theories and Commonwealth Office

Did the government taint alcohol during Prohibition? What if Elvis faked his death? Are aliens being held in Area 51? Our brains are imaginative and creative, and we like to have explanations for strange occurrences. When someone suggests a different opinion than you, you never run out of things to talk about.

You might find yourself saying, “Well…maybe….” Someone who’s done some research might be able to throw some new info at you!


Driving A Junky Car!

It runs and, well, it runs. It’s not pretty, but it gets from A to B. Besides, you know that you’re in love with them, not their ride. It’s so superficial to be obsessed with the kind of wheels your partner rolls around on, and true love is definitely not shallow.

Don’t be afraid to climb in that Geo Metro. Maybe it’ll stick around long enough to feature in a few vintage car shows?

Having No Ride At All

There are many personal, environmental, and financial reasons that people opt not to own a vehicle or use a less than glamorous ride (looking at you, mopeds and two-seaters). With the growing ubiquity of ride-sharing, public transit in metros, and cycling-friendly culture, there’s no reason to judge someone with no ride.

There’s a good chance that money they’re saving might be spent on some fun nights out or strategically planning for their future.

Leaving The Toilet Seat Up

When we live alone, we get used to leaving things a certain way. Why not, if you’re the only one using it? When we merge our lives with someone else, we might have a bit of a learning curve as we figure out each other’s habits. It might be annoying, but it’s not a turn-off.

With a little communication and compromise, this turn-off becomes just another thing to look back on and laugh about.

No Dancing Skills

We can’t all be Kevin Bacon in Footloose, but dancing is all about having fun, right? So who cares if you hit the floor and they dance like your dad at a wedding after too much to drink? They can do the lawnmower, the sprinkler, and the shopping cart all night long.

Besides, there’s research that indicates dancing can help prevent dementia, so who cares what anyone else thinks? Have fun.

Bad Music Taste

We’ve all got those songs that we only listen to with the windows up. The ones we pretend not to like when they come on the radio. None of this applies to your love, in any case. You think it’s adorable that they want to rock out to ABBA. They might swear by hardcore punk, but there’s this one Britney song that they can’t get enough of.


All of this is wonderful, because they’re letting down their guard for you. How many other people know that this one song is their jam?
