These Celebrities’ Ages Will Surprise You And Inspire You At The Same Time

Thanks to some pointed dietary, exercise and lifestyle choices, famous celebrities from all over have managed to maintain a youthful and healthy-looking appearance even as they get up there in years.
You’ll be equal parts shocked and inspired to discover the ages of some of these celebrities, and you might even pick up on a secret that’ll have you aging the way they do- like fine wine…
Sofia Vergara – Born in 1972

Not many people know that the bombshell Colombian star of Modern Family is a cancer-survivor. Diagnosed with Thyroid cancer at 28, Vergara immediately committed to healthy habits and foods.
Now cancer-free for a long time, she still works out at least three times a week, usually sticking to Pilates, spinning or weight-training.
Michelle Pfeiffer – Born in 1958

After watching Bill Clinton talk about the health benefits of a vegan diet on CNN, Michelle Pfeiffer decided to give it a try. Now, years later, Pfeiffer credits the diet for her still-flawless skin and ageless looks.
She ditched cigarettes, soda and coffee, and picked up exercise and meditation. Hopefully she picks up her Catwoman suit again sometime soon, because she’d probably rock it!
Keanu Reeves – Born in 1964

The famous actor, known for hit films such as Point Break and the Matrix trilogy, has aged so well over the years that many actually consider him to be immortal!
Keanu once posted a manifesto of sorts to the internet, detailing the importance of living true to oneself and living life to the fullest. There’s no doubt that this is at least a part of his secret to seemingly eternal youth!
Angela Bassett – Born in 1958

The star of American Horror Story: Coven must have learned some genuine witchcraft on set, because she looks downright magical, even at her age! Beyond whatever spells Bassett is using to stay fit, she also sticks to a regular workout routine and a healthy diet.
She works out most often with friends because, as she says, she’s less likely to bail at the last moment when friends are waiting for her.
Raquel Welch – Born in 1940

Seeing Raquel Welch these days, it’s hard to believe it’s been a half a century since she sported her iconic animal-skin bikini in the film One Million Years B.C.!
While she’s certainly had some work done, Welch’s health routine has contributed greatly to her lasting good looks. She starts off every day with an early morning yoga class, and sticks to a healthy diet of predominantly vegetables.
Halle Berry – Born in 1966

To stay looking so young, Halle Berry does a few things. First, she keeps a close eye on her diet. She’s done so ever since being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes when she was only 19.
She eats lots of vegetables, drinks lots of water, and steers clear of breads and most processed sugars. She also exercises for at least 30 minutes daily. She’ll weight train if she has to, but mostly sticks to what she likes best: lots of medium-intensity cardio.
Sandra Bullock – Born in 1964

Though her character only won Miss Congeniality honors in her hit film, Miss Congeniality, Sandra Bullock could certainly win a real crown. Her timeless beauty, and warm, inviting personality are irresistible to this day.
The key to Bullock’s lasting youth is lots of variety in her exercise. She loves to switch it up between Pilates, kickboxing, weight-training, running and biking.
Chuck Norris – Born in 1940

The star of long-running series Walker, Texas Ranger may not be quite as omnipotently powerful as some internet memes suggest, but he’s still up and running in the health department.
The secret to Norris’ lasting health is a lifestyle of holistic wellness. Norris sticks to whole, organic foods, and continues regular martial arts workouts, including Chun Kuk Do, a school of martial arts he founded himself.
Jennifer Lopez – Born in 1969

J-Lo credits a life built on healthy habits for her age-defying looks. She works out regularly, even training for a sprint triathlon back in 2008. She also follows a sugar-and salt-free diet, refrains from cigarettes and alcohol, and makes sure to get eight hours of sleep a night.
Johnny Depp – Born in 1963

The two-time winner of People Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive is now closer to being a grandpa than a bad boy. To maintain his sexy, slender physique, Depp has kept a close eye on his diet for years. Lately, he’s followed a strict vegan diet, cutting out alcohol and eating six small meals a day.
He also works out regularly, preferring lean-muscle strength-training. When filming the Pirates of the Caribbean series, he also practiced a lot of sword fighting!
Ellen Degeneres – Born in 1958

Ellen Degeneres is so energetic and full of life on her hit talk show that she seems to be closer to 37 or even 27. While she credits her vegan diet with helping her maintain a healthy lifestyle, it’s clear that the biggest contribution to her youthful appearance is her abundance of energy.
Anyone who’s watched her show has seen how much she smiles and dances! Joy is truly the fountain of youth.
Gwen Stefani – Born in 1969

Though she’s now crossed the half-century mark, this coach of the Voice and No Doubt star is still looking like “Just a Girl!” Stefani has said she’s “more like a man” when it comes to exercise though. She’d rather do weightlifting or boxing than Pilates or yoga.
While she can certainly go hard in the gym, she’s also a fan of keeping exercise fun! Ski-trips with the family are just as much of a workout as solo runs or trips to the gym.
Denzel Washington – Born in 1954

This Hollywood star likes to live a life of balance. Sure, he’ll occasionally spend a month traveling with his family on his yacht, eating whatever he likes. But when it’s time for work, Denzel is serious about his health.
This means health cleanses and strict conditioning routines, as well as nutritional programs: at least five days a week of boxing, combined with strength training and cardio, and a low-carb, high protein diet.
Christie Brinkley – Born in 1954

40 years into her career as a beauty icon, and Christie Brinkley is still a bombshell. She doesn’t just look great for someone her age, she looks great period!
To stay fit, she eats as many different colored foods a day – an easy way to pack in nutrients and keep things varied and balanced. That said, she also believes in treating yourself from time to time. Chocolate-chip ice cream is too good to avoid altogether!
Kim Cattrall – Born in 1956

The great thing about Kim Cattrall? Even though she looks fantastic for 60, she doesn’t mind that some of her age shows. Case-in-point, a magazine recently asked her if she wanted her wrinkles retouched in the photos, and she replied “F**k it, leave it all in.”
The Sex and the City star watches what she eats to stay in shape, joking “I’ve been on a diet since 1974.” She also loves her daily “Fizzy yoga.”
Jennifer Aniston – Born in 1969

For Jennifer Aniston, variety is the key to keeping so fit and healthy well into her forties. Cycling, spin-classes, Barre classes, Pilates and yoga are all favorites of hers. Aniston also puts a lot of work into her skin routine, which should come as no surprise for the spokeswoman for Aveeno.
She recommends a scrub at least three times a week, to moisturize regularly, hydrate (drink, drink, drink!), and get enough sleep.
Rob Lowe – Born in 1964

How is it that Rob Lowe has kept the heartthrob good looks of his Brat Pack days? According to the Parks and Recreation star himself, two things: sobriety and thrill-seeking. As of this year, Lowe has been clean for 26 years.
While he’s not quite as wild as he was in his 20s, Lowe still likes to “let the wild man out,” as he puts it. He’s a self-proclaimed adrenaline junkie, with skiing and surfing among his favorites activities.
William Shatner –Born in 1931

While his Star Trek days are far behind him, William Shatner is still active and looking much younger than his birth certificate reveals. In fact, in October of 2021, at age 90, he became the oldest person ever to go to space.
He stays young by exercising regularly and eating well, sticking mostly to veggies, fruit and fish, and usually works out in his pool, running in place and working out his upper body. He also loves to ride horses, often riding in competitions, and even winning some of them.
Andie MacDowell – Born in 1958

Andie MacDowell seems to be caught in some sort of Groundhog Day loop, because she looks amazing for someone who’s over the age of 60! Something about her seems to draw the eye, even when surrounded by younger beauties on the red carpet.
She credits healthy habits, from yoga to regular massage, for keeping such a youthful physique. She likes to stay strong, even practicing handstands as long as she can!
Brad Pitt – Born in 1963

Photos of Brad Pitt shirtless in Fight Club and Snatch grace the walls of gyms around the world, and for good reason! While Pitt is most known for his action roles, a major source of health and exercise for the Hollywood star these days is his kids.
Taking care of six kids is no easy feat, and Pitt likes to incorporate as much dancing as he can with his children throughout the day.
Stacey Dash – Born in 1966

The mathematically inclined readers of this article will realize that Stacey Dash was 28 years old when she starred in Clueless! Convincingly playing a high schooler at 28 years old turned out to be only a taste of Dash’s timeless looks.
These days, she follows a strictly grain-free diet, works out at least four days a week, and takes regular care of her immaculate skin. A final tip, from Dash herself: “thinking young is key.”
Rene Russo – Born in 1954

Rene Russo may have seriously found the fountain of youth. Sure, she’s dabbled with laser treatments and a little botox, but not nearly enough to account for how young she looks at this age.
In interviews, Russo shares that she works out every day to stay fit. She doesn’t go too crazy, usually about 20 minutes – just enough to stay in shape.
Alyson Hannigan – Born in 1974

Angela Bassett might not be the only one on this list who learned witchcraft! Alyson Hannigan must have learned something from her years on Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Despite looking like she’s still in her late 20s, The How I Met Your Mother star is actually much older.
To stay healthy, Hannigan was vegan for years. Then she became pregnant and decided to listen to her body’s cravings by incorporating small portions of meat into her diet.
John Stamos – Born in 1964

Stamos is still looking good and sporting an impressively full head of hair at well into his 50’s. To get back in shape for the upcoming reboot of Full House, Fuller House, Stamos has been exercising quite a lot.
These days he goes for the lean ‘n mean look, sticking with Pilates, swimming, running and simple exercises like pull-ups and push-ups. He also meditates daily, something he learned from Mike Love of the Beach Boys back in the 80’s.
Emma Thompson – Born in 1959

Emma Thompson lives her life according to a simple, yet powerful ethos: she’s not going to spend time trying to look younger than her years. She has no desire for “fiddling” with herself, as she puts it.
In a twist of pleasantly ironic fate, Thompson’s laissez-faire attitude towards her looks has left her looking much younger than her age!
Julianne Moore – Born in 1960

Julianne Moore is a great example of someone who makes age look beautiful. It’s clear she’s not in her 20’s, but she’s still a showstopper, that’s for sure! She’s never had any work done either.
To keep herself healthy, Moore has been a long-time yoga devotee and swears by acupuncture, claiming it’s helped immensely for back pain and sleep deprivation. She also likes to work out with a weight trainer, though not too intensely.
Tom Cruise – Born in 1962

Tom Cruise’s trainers have reported that he gains weight very easily, meaning that his lasting youthful looks and fit appearance are the result of a lot of hard work.
When preparing for movies, Cruise goes into health-overdrive. He eats only meat, cheese and leafy vegetables, cuts out all starchy vegetables, sugar additives and white flour, and works out for 90 minutes every morning while jogging two miles every evening.
Lori Loughlin – Born in 1964

Though it may be hard to believe, this Full House star is already in her mid 50’s! In preparation for Netflix’ Full House reboot, Loughlin has been working out intensely. She loves yoga and has recently become enamored with the Body By Simone workout.
This dance and cardio full-body workout was created by former classically trained ballerina Simone De La Rue. Actress Molly Sims is another famous devotee of this killer workout.
Ralph Macchio – Born in 1961

Ralph Macchio has held on to much of his youth from his Karate Kid days. While Karate is behind him, Macchio still stays active.
He exercises regularly, preferring cardio sports like tennis and softball, and eats healthily, sticking to fruits and veggies, protein, whole grains and fiber-rich foods. He also recently participated in Dancing with the Stars, making it all the way to the episode before the finals.
Meryl Streep – Born in 1949

This Hollywood icon doesn’t look too much younger than her age, but man does she still look amazing! With a smile that will light up any room, Streep is a shining example of someone aging naturally and gracefully.
While she’s far from being a fitness-freak, Streep does like to exercise regularly, clocking up to 55 lengths in the pool multiple times a week.
Dylan McDermott – Born in 1961

The star of TV shows like The Practice and American Horror Story has to be one of the fittest actors out there, for his age or any other age. He’s been featured in Men’s Health, and was even a finalist in GQ’s Man of the Year issue back in 1999.
Cutting out alcohol years ago has certainly contributed to his fit physique. He also likes his downtime, recently telling reporters his favorite hobby is playing chess.
Sigourney Weaver – Born in 1949

Unlike many women her age, Sigourney puts no effort into hiding her wrinkles – as she’s said, “she’s earned them!” With an attitude like that, it should come as no surprise that she’s never had any plastic surgery.
Her secrets to looking young are much more natural, and not really secrets at all: good ol’ fashioned skin care and exercise. She serves as a healthy reminder that not all of us have to look 25 to look beautiful.
Jamie Lee Curtis – Born in 1958

Jamie Lee Curtis is an example of someone who has genuinely, authentically come to love her body exactly as it is. She refuses Photoshop in her photo-shoots, preferring to embrace the changes time has brought to her body.
It’s not hard to see why either, as her legs, reportedly insured for $2.8 million, are still looking great, thanks to Pilates, yoga, exercise and very careful eating.
Iman – Born in 1955

I’m pretty sure the technical qualifications for “supermodel” include having “super genes.” Maybe not, but seeing Iman strut her stuff at this age definitely makes me think so! The international fashion icon keeps her skin glowing with the products from her own line of beauty products, Iman Cosmetics.
Lots of cardio exercise keeps her body fit and healthy, and she keeps grounded with an utterly stress-free attitude towards aging.
Jim Parsons – Born in 1973

The Big Bang Theory star may easily pass as a Caltech college student, but in real life he’s much older! Perhaps his character can explain the science behind this age-related wizardry.
Another surprise, given his youthful skin, is that Parsons was a pack-a-day smoker for over 15 years. He finally kicked smoking, and a few other nasty habits, to celebrate his 40th birthday.
Helen Mirren – Born in 1945

Helen Mirren looks downright fantastic for her age. To stay fit, she follows the Royal Canadian Air Force exercise plan – a 12-minute-a-day toning and stretching routine designed by a doctor in the 1950s.
Beyond that, Mirren once told an interviewer that she stays active by setting the alarm early so she can make love to her husband first thing in the morning. Seems to me Helen Mirren’s got this life thing figured out.
Jane Fonda – Born in 1937

Jane Fonda is looking great for a woman of any age, let alone one who’s well into her 80’s. A bit of plastic surgery has helped her in this regard, but for the most part, Fonda’s youthful, fit appearance has come naturally.
She’s learned to live life in moderation, enjoying a life balanced by exercise and healthy dieting – but not run by it.
Susan Lucci – Born in 1946

Despite what you may think from her photos, Susan Lucci is not in her 40’s! The Devious Maids star has certainly had some Botox done, and perhaps a few other treatments as well, but she’s managed to maintain a natural look.
She attributes her lasting good health to regular Pilates, meticulous skin care, and glasses of hot water and lemon throughout the day.
Sharon Stone – Born in 1958

Man, did I have a major crush on Sharon Stone back in the day – wait, scratch that. I still have a major crush on her! Even at her current age, she looks as good as she did 20, or even 30 years ago.
She’s refused to have a face-lift too, opting instead to accept the natural aging process. To keep healthy, she focuses on full body workouts and stretches, especially those practiced in yoga and dance.
Geena Davis – Born in 1956

Is it possible that Geena Davis is really a ghost, playing an actress? This could explain why she still looks the same as she did when starring in Beetlejuice all those years ago.
Davis’ active lifestyle is probably a major contributor to her youthful looks. Another explanation is that Davis is simply smarter about her health than anyone else her age – after all, she does have a genius-level IQ of 140!
Gabriel Mann – Born in 1972

Former model Gabriel Mann, and later the star of the hit TV show Revenge, could pass for someone in his mid-20s. And yet, somehow, he’s actually much older!
Mann keeps his body looking young by keeping his life youthful, fun and full of passion. His biggest favorites? Art, music and cooking. My guess is that he keeps fit by dancing whenever he cooks!
Betty White – Born in 1922

Betty White leads a more active life than most women half a century younger! She says that this busy lifestyle has been key to her longevity. It certainly isn’t due to her healthy eating habits.
She told People Magazine that her favorite foods are “hot dogs, Red Vines, potato chips and French fries.” She also drinks a vodka on the rocks most nights before dinner!
James Lipton – Born in 1926

Lipton, the long-time host of Inside the Actor’s Studio, passed away in March of 2020, at the age of 93. While he wasn’t necessarily a very young looking man at the time of his passing, he certainly didn’t look anywhere near his age.
He seemed to have had the same face for the last three decades of his life, and he’s never had any plastic surgery done. It would seem he’s simply been graced with excellent genes, which he paired with conscious eating habits.