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The Most Insane Gaming Battlestation Setups You’ll Ever See

Battle stations are a sacred thing to gamers. They all want one, but not everyone can afford to create their dream battle stations. However, it doesn’t cost anything to look at them and admire how amazing they are. With that being said, today we are going to blow your mind by showing you the craziest gaming battle station setups.

20. The Ideal Battle Station

This is the perfect example of how the “ideal” battle station should look like. It doesn’t seem complicated at first glance, but after taking a better look, you will notice that the entire PC components are hidden inside the glass table. Isn’t this crazy?

19. Wall Mounted Setup

If you thought that nothing could top the previous battle station, then you couldn’t be more wrong. The guy who made this setup placed his PC on the wall. To make things even crazier, the coolers are made to look like barbershop poles.

18. Loving Nature

From what we can tell, the person behind this battle station loves nature and he is a fan of RPGs. The picture on the left that shows us Geralt of Rivia is proof of that. I bet that playing Witcher 3 is amazing on this setup.

17. Clean Design

What makes this battle station stand out from the rest is how clean it looks. However, you shouldn’t be fooled by the simplicity of this setup because the tiny PC case hides a beast Intel CPU inside that clocks at 4.3GHz.

16. Racing Games

If there’s something that we can be sure about, then it must be that the guy who designed this battle station is a fan of racing games. I bet that he is really excited about the new Forza Horizon 4 that is scheduled to come out this fall. The next battle station will make your jaw drop!!

15. Jaw Dropping

Isn’t this one of the most incredible battle stations that you have ever seen? The design is just way too sleek. Playing late night games like Fortnite and PUBG on this beast of a PC must be a blast.

14. Futuristic

If you are a fan of Star Wars, then this battle station is exactly what you need. Just imagine how much fun it must be to open this beast of a PC in the morning and checking your email. It will surely make you feel just like a character from a Sci-Fi movie. Talking about futuristic battle stations, you really need to see what’s coming next.

13.  Project Alternate

This battle station is called Project Alternate and it looks just as cool as it sounds. The person who designed this battle station is never going to have any cooling problems because he installed six of them beneath his desk!! The same person who created this setup designed the next battle station.


12. Red Harbinger

The same guy who created Project Alternate also made this jaw-dropping battle station. The red cooling liquid looks incredible and some might even think this PC is a bomb. This battle station is called Red Harbinger. If you like Game of Thrones, then the next battle station is perfect for you.

11. Game of Thrones

Someone loves watching Game Of Thrones and there’s no doubt about that. This amazing battle station is surrounded by Game of Thrones items and even the desktop has the famous “Winter is coming” line that Neddard Stark said in the first season.

10. Stormtrooper

Even though some people might criticize stormtroopers for having bad aim, no one can deny how cool they look. George Lucas created a unique design for their armor and it paid off! Stormtroopers are regarded as some of the coolest movie characters ever created.

9. Japan Sunrise

Just like most of the battle stations that we saw until now, this one tries to fool us with its simplicity. However, you can be sure that a person who designs a setup with four monitors also made sure to equip the PC with some of the most expensive hardware parts available.

8. Fallout Fan

As if the four monitors wasn’t amazing enough, the man behind this battle station made sure to pair the PC with 18 coolers. Isn’t this incredible? I bet that this guy is going to have lots of fun once the new Fallout 76 game launches.

7. Simple Design

From the looks of it, simple designs are the best ones. They can fit anywhere and they don’t need dark rooms in order to shine. Don’t you agree?

6. Console Gamer

Who says that console gamers can’t have a battle station? This man hooked up his Xbox One to a giant projector and it looks incredible. Although, you can be sure that he also plays lots of PC games since he has a double monitor setup on the left.

5. Astonishing Setup

Just when you thought you saw it all, this incredible setup comes up. The skill and dedication it must have taken to create this special setup is admirable. The person who created it didn’t just pair hardware parts together, but he also welded the chair to the monitors.


4. See Through Case

Is there something better than having a see-through PC case to show off your latest upgrades? The wide monitor and the gaming mouse show us that this person likes to play! Although, who wouldn’t want to spend all their free time gaming when on a PC like this?

3. Strange Design

As cool as this battle station might look, we have to admit that its a bit strange. From the looks of it, this battle station might be ideal for streamers who have to read Twitch chat all day long.

2.  Bright Lighting

This is one of the coolest battle stations ever! To make things even more amazing, the person who created it made sure to pair with a mechanical keyboard to get that vintage feel whenever he is typing.

1. Razer

Razer is one of the world’s coolest companies when it comes to gaming accessories and it looks like this guy knows it. “From gamers, by gamers” is Razer’s motto and this battle station shows us that Razer has some serious fans.
