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Officer Opens Woman’s Trunk Unaware He’s Being Recorded

Photo: Youtube – ABC 10 News 2

She had been driving for approximately an hour on the empty roads and so she was easily startled by the lights flickering in her rearview mirror. She knew the red and blue lights meant she had to pull over.

She wondered why she was being pulled over and her hands began to shake. Her heart was racing in her chest but she would soon be thinking of her camera with what happened next.

Wound Up Tight

Photo: Public Domain

Sasha had climbed into her car that morning without worrying that she would be pulled over. She had a thousand things on her mind but that didn’t make the list.

She was wound up tight because she had been experiencing a trying year and she couldn’t afford for anything else to go wrong. But hearing the siren of the police cruiser was the last straw.

From Bad To Worse

Photo: Facebook – Chy Niece Thacker

The Atlanta police had pulled Sasha over while she was making her way to a job interview. The single mom was also a student who desperately sought for balance in her life.

Sasha had experienced a rollercoaster of a life, especially when lockdown hit. She would never have thought things could worsen but she was proven wrong. That’s when she found herself doing something she never expected herself to do.

She Had Been Happy

Photo: Facebook – Chy Niece Thacker

Sasha found herself constantly between her job as a bank teller, studying her master’s at a local university and being a mom. She had an 8-year-old son named Jordan.

She had been happy with how things were going but that was before her work decided to let her go. She suddenly found herself stuck at home, worried about how she was going to pay off her student loans and feed her child.

Kicked Out

Photo: Public Domain

Eventually, the landlord kicked her and Jordan out of their apartment. Months had gone by without her finding a job and she was unable to pay the rent. She felt like she had nowhere else to turn to.

She was on the brink of giving up. Her friend’s call could not have come at a better moment because she told her about a job opening. “It would pay what you were earning and you will be able to work from home,” she said. Sasha wouldn’t let this opportunity slip through her fingers but she had no idea what would come next.

The Day Had Arrived

Photo: Facebook – Chy Niece Thacker

She made the call and was told that she could come in for an interview the following week. The time seemed to fly by for Sasha and the day was soon upon her.


She wanted to be as prepared for the interview as possible and set an alarm for early in the morning. She jumped in the shower and got dressed before having breakfast with her son and her mother. She was soon out of the door and driving, unaware of the police that would soon approach her.

Listening To A Podcast

Photo : Pexels – Pixabay

Sasha enjoyed listening to podcasts and decided to listen to one that would motivate her for her interview. The podcast was roughly an hour long and Sasha hadn’t finished listening to it yet.

She was grateful that the roads weren’t busy because it would give a few minutes to collect herself once she got to the media house. She was in one of the neighborhoods on the outskirts of the city when she passed through a green traffic light and something unexpected happened.

Pulling Over

Photo: Facebook – Chy Niece Thacker

She glanced in her rearview mirror and spotted red and blue lights. She initially brushed the police cruiser off, thinking that it was out on patrol. But then it dawned on her that she was the only one on the road.

When the cruiser let its siren blare, Sasha’s blood ran cold. She couldn’t help the anxiety flooding her system as she pulled her car off of the road. Her breathing became ragged as she watched the officer climb out of the cruiser.


Photo: Public Domain

Sasha couldn’t understand why she had been pulled over. She was certain that she had never broken any road rules and she was confident that she was a careful driver.

She reached for her license and registration, taking her national ID just in case the officer asked for it. She turned off her vehicle with a trembling hand just as the officer neared her tinted window.

She switched her engine off and pulled out her license and registration documents. She had a national ID which she pulled out, too. She tried to still her shaky hands as theofficer stepped up to her tinted window.


Using Her Car

Photo: pexels-peter-fazekas

Sasha felt her cheeks flame as she remembered her cousin using her car a few months prior. Darrel was known for butting heads with the law.

He had used her car recently and gotten in trouble which Sasha was sure to chastise him for. “How dare you take my car without asking?” she asked. She had later tried talking to him about being more careful and looking out for himself.

Her Cousin

Photo: matt-popovich-unsplash

But Darrel had always been as stubborn as a mule. He was only foul-mouthed but so no wrong in taking things that weren’t his.

His last adventure had landed him in big trouble, forcing Sasha’s mom and aunts to pool in the funds to bail him out. What were the chances the cop outside Sasha’s car was there because her cousin used her vehicle?

Slow Seconds

Photo: pexels-naomi-berur

Sasha sat tight as the seconds counted, each feeling like an eternity. She watched as the officer walked closer, his utility belt gleaming in the early morning light.

He’d fitted his cap tight over his head, its visor blocking most of his visage, his eyes included. Cold authority issued from him with each of his steps. One thing was sure: Sasha wouldn’t be making it to her interview today.

No Interview Today

Photo: pexels-yusuf-kayode

The interview at hand was Sasha’s only lifeline in her dark life. She couldn’t believe she’d gotten such an opportunity and had already planned how to use her salary to improve her and her son’s lives.

The police stopping her meant she would miss the interview and thus go back to square one. She relaxed her shoulders and cleared her throat. She didn’t know why the cop stopped her, but she would do everything she could to avoid getting arrested.

He Comes For Her

Photo: Public Domain

The officer’s knock was subtle but commanding. Sasha swallowed a lump of air and rolled her window down. “Good morning, ma’am?” the officer smiled. There was a warmness to him that Sasha couldn’t explain. Yet she still remained alert.


She smiled back nervously and slowly handed over her documents. But what the police said next would leave her even more confused.

Suspense And Anxiety

Photo: Facebook – Chy Niece Thacker

“Don’t worry about pulling out anything,” the police officer said. He then stepped away from the window toward the rear of Sasha’s car.

After staring at the parked vehicle for about a minute, the officer walked to his cruiser to call in something, then returned to Sasha’s window. Sasha ate back a lump. What was happening?

He Tells Her Why

Photo: Public Domain

“I know you’re wondering what’s happening,” he told Sasha with his smile still holding. “I stopped you to let you know your brake lights aren’t working.”

Sasha’s heart fell. In all her life, she’d never driven a faulty car. She’d always made sure her vehicle was road certified. But as she mulled over the consequences waiting for her, her fear quickly turned into burning fury.

Fear And Anger

Photo: Public Domain

Sasha’s fear morphed into anger as she remembered she’d only had the car checked a month ago. She’d replaced the brake lights, and the company that serviced the vehicle billed her $600 for the service.

Sasha quickly explained everything to the officer, revealing how she’d been forced to dip into her savings to ensure her car was still in good shape to avoid such occurrences. But she didn’t stop there.

Revealing The Truth

Photo: Youtube – ABC 10 News 3

Sasha revealed that she was unemployed and kicked out of her apartment. She also told the officer she was on her way to a job interview that would turn her life around.

She didn’t know why she opened up like that and was surprised to see him listening intently. What he did next is hard to believe.

Believe It

Photo: Public Domain

Instead of writing Sasha a ticket, the officer asked her to step out of the vehicle so he could inspect it. He popped the trunk and rummaged through the wires until the brake lights came on.


He told Sasha the car was fine now and wished her good luck on the interview. Sasha couldn’t believe it. She recorded the entire encounter, knowing such magical moments needed to be frozen in time forever. Another officer did the unthinkable a few miles from her city, showing that some service people are genuinely here to serve and protect.

Amina Rocher

Photo: pexels-godisable-jacob

Amina Rocher was a single mom living in Duluth. Her life hadn’t always been an easy one. But like Sasha, she did everything to make ends meet.

Although Amina’s incident also involved a police officer, it was far different from Sasha’s. The police officer would go far beyond to show he cared about her wellbeing.

A Store Clerk

Photo: pexels-christina-morillo

Amina had been working as a store clerk when the incident took place. Her place of work and home were five miles apart.

But unlike many Americans working over such long distances, Amina didn’t use a car or public transport to commute. She’d formed a system that served her well. It would all end when the officer stopped her.  

No One Is Helping

Photo: pexels-nappy

Amina walked ten miles every day. She spent an hour on the road every dawn and dusk, walking to and from work.

Although most people found it heartbreaking that someone her age resorted to such a crude way of getting to work, nobody ever tried to step in to help her. But Amnia never took walking as a curse on her life.

A Loving Mom

Photo: pexels-rebrand-cities

But Amina hadn’t always been getting to her place of work this way. She once had a lovely bright green sedan she loved driving to work.

But she sold it after the pandemic hit and her son needed financial assistance at college. A loving mom, Amina didn’t see it as a burden but the least she could do for her baby. She had no idea what she was up signing for.

Every Morning And Evening

Photo: pexels-rebrand-cities

Without a car and with her financial pond almost dried out, Amina resorted to walking to work every morning and evening.


“It sounds painful when you say it out loud,” she shared once. “But it is very peaceful and free. The air is crisp and the sunrise or sunset enthralling. I don’t think I wanna trade that for anything.”

It’s Good For Your Health

Photo: pexels-idy-tanndy

Amina shared that walking had also helped her get back in shape. She was healthier than ever, with an energy she didn’t know she had.

But although she loved everything about walking to and from work, she had no clue that someone had her in his sights. The man would change her life for the better.

It Happens

Photo: pexels-truman-rexti

It was a sunny morning when a cop car sounded behind Amina. With her bag tucked under her arm, she swung around to find the cruiser trailing her.

The officer inside sounded his siren again, and Amina stopped. He pulled the car to the side of the road and walked out. Amina couldn’t make sense of what was happening.

Keep Cool

Photo: Public Domain

Although a little apprehensive, Amina kept her cool. A smile drew across her face as she greeted the man in uniform.

The cop, who introduced himself as Officer Cody, assured Amina that she had done nothing wrong. “I have been patrolling this area for a few weeks,” he said. “I always see you and walk here every morning and evening.” What he’d ask would leave Amina speechless.

Mind A Ride?

Photo: Public Domain

“Do you mind a ride?” the officer asked. He informed Amina that he knew where she worked and was driving that way. Would she be open to sharing his cruiser with him?

Amina nodded, seeing no harm in riding to work in a police car. She got into the passenger seat, and soon enough, they were back on the road. Her life was about to change.

Getting Her To Work

Photo: erik-mclean-unsplash

The officer drove Amina to work. But as he dropped her off, he asked if she wanted a ride in the evening. Amina politely declined, telling the officer that although she loved the idea, she wanted to enjoy the exercise and fresh air.


The officer insisted, but he could pierce Amina’s tough skin. He said goodbye, wishing Amina a good day. But that wouldn’t be the last she’d hear of him.

He’s Back

Photo: pexels-pixabay

Amina continued with her life as usual. But two days later, the officer showed up at her store. After a quick chat, he informed Amina that he was changing states.

As a farewell gift, he’d bought her an electric bicycle. He hoped that she could use it in her commute. “You can enjoy the fresh air and exercise simultaneously!” he said.

Disclaimer: To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.
