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Creative DIY Hacks For Everyday Situations

Today we are going to show you a bunch of DIY hacks that will make your life easier! These hacks are all budget friendly and they have been designed for the sole purpose of helping people do things such as organize their items, get rid of bad smells and find ingenious uses for home appliances. Without any further ado, let’s get into it.

20. Clothes Hanger

Don’t you hate it when you leave your bag of chips open for a couple of minutes and its taste changes? This is super annoying, but it can be easily avoided by cleverly using a hanger.

19. Silicon Muffin Cups

Next time you purchase muffins, make sure to keep the silicon cups and put them in your car. This way, you will never lose any coins on the floor ever again. The next DIY hack will blow your mind!

18. Removing Stickers

Removing stickers from an item you just bought is one of the most annoying things ever. The sticker never peels of properly and you have to scratch it off. Fortunately, using a blow drier will make that sticker peel right off.

17. Steam Towels

Do you have a rice cooker in your kitchen? Well, then you should be glad to know that you can place your towels in there and surround them with steam. Steam towels are great for lots of things and they will make cleaning your house way easier than before. If you love the smell of nature, then the next DIY hack is perfect for you.

16. Eucalyptus Bunch

Taking a shower is one of the best ways of relaxing after a long day of work. However, showers can get even better if you place a eucalyptus branch next to the shower head because the smell of nature makes everything better.

15. Deodorizing A Room

The annoying thing about bad smells is that you can’t really get rid of them. Luckily, there is a clever hack that will help you deodorize any room! The only thing you need to do is to pour some vinegar in a bowl and leave it there for an hour or two.

14. Cold Drinks

One of the best ways to keep your favorite drink cold is to fill up some balloons with water and then put them in the freezer. The more colorful the balloons are, the better they will look while frozen.

13. 6-Inch Ruler

If you ever need to measure something and you don’t have a ruler around, you don’t need to go the store and buy one. One dollar bills are precisely 6-inches long and you can use them to measure things.

12. Velcro Strips

If you have rugs all around your house, then you will know just how annoying it can be when they start slipping. Fortunately, this issue can go away by applying two pieces of velcro on the sides.


11. Water Marks

Everyone who uses a wood desk knows the pain of having to scrub off water marks. Water marks are hard to get off, but luckily, applying a bit of toothpaste will make them go away.

10. Cold Beverages

This DIY hack is so simple that I can’t believe I never thought of it myself. Now that I know this trick, I am never going to drink a warm bottle of Coca-Cola ever again.

9. Hammering Nails

Even though hammering nails is not a complicated process, you are always at risk of hammering your fingers! Therefore, we advise everyone to pick up a clothespin and hold the nail with it instead of their fingers.

8. Car Cupholder

Just keep a pair of extra shoes in your car and you will never have to worry about spilling your drink while driving ever again. If you think this car hack is cool, then you really need to check out what’s coming next.

7. Trash Dispenser

If you ever plan to go on a long trip, then getting a little trash dispenser is a must! Having a small trash dispenser in your car will make it so much easier to get rid of stuff and you will not need to stop every hour to clean your car.

6. Disinfecting Sponges

Sponges are really useful, but they can get filled with bacteria after using them for too long. On the bright side of things, disinfecting them is really simple! All you need to do is to get them wet and then place them inside a microwave for two minutes.

5. Stocking Laundry

Stocking laundry is one of the most challenging things. Laundry somehow always ends up taking lots of space, but not anymore! These budget-friendly baskets make for the perfect laundry stockers.

4. Charger Cables

You always need to be careful of where you place your charger cables. They are really sensitive and most of them will break if you step on them by mistake. This is why getting one of your kid’s Lego toy and placing them in his arms is the best thing you can do to protect your charger cables.

3. Keep Sugar Moist

Most people don’t know about this trick, but you can keep your sugar moist at all times! The only thing you need to do is to place a marshmallow in the bag.


2. Peeling Onions

If there’s something that we all can agree on, then it must be the fact that peeling onions is one of the worst things in the world. However, using a potato peeler to cut onions will speed up the process so your eyes won’t tear up.

1. Pancake Mix

The only annoying thing about making pancakes is placing the mix on the frier. Fortunately, this all can be avoided by pouring the pancake mix into an empty ketchup bottle.
