30+ Ways Your Dog Is Communicating with You

On certain occasions, it’s almost as though our furry companions can read our thoughts. They offer comforting nuzzles when we’re feeling down and burst in excitement when it’s time for a walk. Yet, on other days, it’s quite the opposite that often times it leaves us scratching our heads in confusion.
Learning about dog body language is the first step in knowing how to respond appropriately. In our effort to better understand our beloved dogs, we have put together a list of ways in which your dog communicates with you. Here are tips that can make communicating and understanding your dog a lot easier.
Not Giving Treats At The Right Time
Giving treats to our furry companions might not be as straightforward as it initially seems. According to experts, it’s important to have a strategic approach. They agree that you should give treats to your dog when they are calm and save these delicious snacks for times when your dog is sitting or relaxing patiently, waiting for their reward.

Now, it’s important to remember that mealtime is not the best time to give your pet lots of treats. Treats shouldn’t replace their regular and healthy meals. The key here is timing: avoid giving treats too quickly, but also avoid making them wait too long. It’s a good idea to give them a tasty treat a few minutes after they’ve finished their meal.
Leaving Your Dogs For A Bit
One of the most emotionally challenging aspects for pet owners is having to leave their fur babies at home when they need to attend school, work, or go on a vacation. This is a tough reality that we have to deal with because some places don’t allow dogs.

The experience of being left alone at home can make our pets feel abandoned. They don’t understand the idea of work or school, so being left alone makes them feel like they have been abandoned, even if it’s just for a little while. It’s important to remember that dogs don’t have a sense of time, so they are always unsure about when their humans will come back.
The Low Growl
While dogs are undeniably charming and steadfast companions, they can occasionally exhibit possessiveness, particularly in their attachment to humans. Contrary to what many people think, dogs don’t always bite or show their teeth right away when they’re unhappy.

The low growling noise is a common way for pet owners to communicate with their pets. It’s a warning sign that they want to be left alone and do not want to share their things, like food, toys, or even people. If you see a dog doing this, it’s best to back away slowly to avoid any problems.
The Meaning Of Howling
Dogs often engage in howling as a way to signal their presence, seek attention, or establish contact with their fellow canines. Don’t worry, howling does’t always have spooky connotations or indicate that something bad is about to happen like those in fictional stories.

Occasionally, your furry companion’s howling may also indicate that something is bothering them considerably. If you find yourself in this situation, you may need to wake up and investigate. It might surprise you to find out that the cause of their agitation could be something as simple as the smell of citrus fruits, such as oranges or lemons.
Sleeping On The Stomach
Dog owners are no stranger to seeing their poochies in the weirdest sleeping positions. Some are adorable, while others might raise eyebrows among those less acquainted with their meanings. The “lion’s pose” and the “tummy sleeper” are two positions that share a few resemblances.

It’s worth noting that many dogs tend to sleep on their stomachs when they’re feeling warm and need to cool down by lying on a cooler surface. Nevertheless, veterinarians caution that this isn’t the most optimal sleeping position for our babies, as it can sometimes hinder their from getting the right amount of sleep.
The Right Amount Of Exercise
Like humans, dogs also require regular exercise. The recommended daily exercise for dogs typically ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours, although individual needs can vary. But it’s important to recognize that, just as it is for us, confinement within the home can be tiresome for dogs.

In some cases, it’s not solely about the quantity of exercise, but the quality of the interaction. One effective method to ensure your furry friend remains engaged, expends excess energy, and strengthens your bond is by taking a leisurely walk, even if it’s just for a short duration.
Side-Sleeping Pooches
In addition to the sleeping postures we’ve previously covered, let’s talk about the topic of dogs who prefer to sleep on their side. Have you ever wondered if your furry friend’s side-sleeping habit should raise any concerns? Well, fret not, because there’s no cause for alarm!

When dogs choose to sleep on their side, it typically indicates a state of relaxation and comfort. This posture is quite popular among our canine companions. By exposing their vital organs and stretching out their legs, they’re essentially conveying a sense of security in their surroundings.
Rules That Can Be Bent Or Broken
Rules serve a purpose, and it’s important to adhere to them, just like we do with dogs. Consistency is key when it comes to setting guidelines for our furry friends.

It’s essential not to let our dogs hop onto the couch one day and then forbid it the next. These inconsistency can lead to confusion and misbehavior in our furry companions. It can also stress them out. So, let’s remember to maintain a firm but fair approach to keep our pups on the right track!
Knowing They Bark
Pet owners should be mindful that a dog’s barking doesn’t necessarily signal stress or agitation. You should pay close attention to their barks so you’ll know how to respond appropriately without causing confusion for your furry friend.

When you hear a bark that starts low and gets higher, it usually means your dog wants to play and interact with you. The higher the pitch of the bark, the more excited they are about playing. You don’t need to worry because your dog isn’t feeling scared or threatened. So, just relax and have fun playing with your furry friend!
Understanding The Puppy Eyes
Ah… the famous puppy dog eyes. We’ve seen those before, either in person or on the big screen, and there’s no denying that they are one of the most charming expressions in human experience. It’s hard to resist them, even when people try to imitate them.

But keep in mind, it’s important to understand the meaning of these adorable puppy eyes to prevent any misunderstandings and to make sure you respond appropriately to your furry friends. When your dog gives you those irresistible puppy eyes, it’s their way of showing how much they love and trust you. How cute is that?!
Chasing Tails
Dogs are known for their playful behavior, and one of their favorite tricks is chasing their own tail. It’s definitely funny, but have you ever wondered why they do it? Well, for younger dogs, it’s simply because they haven’t realized that their tail is actually a part of their body. It’s quite adorable, isn’t it?

Now, if you see an older dog doing this spinning behavior, it’s a different situation. It’s not funny at all. This behavior usually means that the dog is feeling bored and tired, maybe because they’ve been alone for a long time. To fix this, make sure your furry friend has a good way to release all that built-up energy. Things like regular exercise and a nice walk in the woods can make a big difference in keeping them happy and satisfied.
Changing Your Smell Often
Dogs use their sense of smell a lot to understand the world around them. They have over 100 million sensory receptor sites, while humans only have six. Because of this, dogs have a much better sense of smell than humans.

This also shows how important it is for pet owners to use the same scent. If you keep changing your scent, it can confuse your pets, especially dogs. They might even have trouble recognizing you if you smell different. So, it’s best to stick with your usual fragrance to keep things familiar for your furry friend.
Allowing Your Dog To Nip Your Hand
Dogs might playfully nip at your hand, and many pet owners are fine with their furry friends doing so. Nonetheless, this behavior can sometimes cause confusion for our canine companions because they struggle to distinguish between gentle nipping and biting.

To them, a freely offered hand can invite any interaction, including biting. Consequently, when children attempt to pet your dog, it may inadvertently bite them, which is a situation we should prevent as much as possible.
Sleeping Back-To-Back With Other Dogs
In our ongoing exploration of unique dog sleeping postures, let’s delve into the charming back-to-back sleeping position today. It’s akin to the cuddler position, but instead of cozying up to a human, your dog opts to sleep back-to-back with another furry friend.

In its purest essence, this position conveys a deep bond and trust between the two dogs. Their comfort level is so high that they don’t mind snuggling up closely. It sure is incredibly cute!
The Proper Way To Deal With Stressful Situations
Stress impacts not just us humans but our furry companions as well. Dogs can exhibit various signs of stress, like whining, barking, pacing, shaking, panting, increased shedding, and alterations in their body posture. There are specific situations, like fireworks or loud noises, that tend to trigger stress in dogs.

For pet owners, it’s important to know how to help a dog that is feeling stressed. One good way to do this is to avoid using calming or encouraging words in a quiet voice because it might accidentally make their fear stronger. This could possibly make your furry friend’s unwanted behaviors worse.
Being Too Touchy For Comfort
Being excessively touchy or always putting your hand near your dog’s face can be confusing and may cause problems later on. Usually, people let dogs sniff their hands, but sometimes dogs might see it differently.

In certain situations, they may perceive it as a threat or something negative, which could have unintended consequences. At the very least, you might get nipped. Remember that dogs are related to wolves, and even though they are domesticated, they still have a natural tendency to defend themselves by biting. So, be careful where you put your hands!
Sleeping With Their Legs Spread
Dogs are very cute when they’re asleep; their sleep-time antics can range from amusingly comical to downright confusing for us humans. Take, for instance, the open-leg sleeping position – ever wonder what’s the story behind that one?

When your furry companion takes a nap, like the cute dog in the photo above, it shows that they feel comfortable and safe in their environment. Why else would they lie down in such a relaxed and exposed position if they didn’t feel secure?
Not Letting Things Go
When you take on the role of a pet parent, particularly to a dog, you must understand that it’s perfectly normal to feel upset for a brief period, but you also need to let things go. You can’t linger on your dog’s past undesirable actions forever.

Unlike humans, dogs don’t bear grudges, so it’s a good idea to adopt a similar approach towards your furry companion. Clinging to resentments can perplex your dog, especially if some time has passed, as it won’t comprehend what is causing your distress.
Making Sense Of Your Dog’s High Ears
Whenever your dog gets curious, you’ll probably see its ears perk up. If something catches their attention and piques their curiosity, you’ll often see them tilt their ears towards that object. But what if your furry friend has a relaxed tail and an open mouth?

An open mouth means your dog is relaxed, so there’s no need to worry if your pup is cautious or alert. If your dog shows all three of these behaviors we’ve talked about, you can be sure it’s completely relaxed and there’s nothing to worry about at all.
Choosing The Right Name
Choosing the right name for your pet is a fun mix of creativity and logic. It’s not just about selecting any random name; there’s some planning involved to avoid confusing your babies. It’s better to steer clear of names that sound similar to common dog commands like “no,” “heel,” or “sit.”

You see, dogs might get a tad mixed up when they hear such names, thinking you’re giving them instructions rather than simply calling them. Also, it’s a good idea to keep things simple. Complicated names may not be the best choice. So, choose a name that is simple and easy to pronounce. Your dog will appreciate it!
Dealing With Dogs Other Than Yours
Dogs come in different shapes and sizes, and their behavior is influenced by various factors. Training and the environment they were raised in are important. What works for your dog may not work for others, so be cautious when interacting with dogs that are not yours.

You see, a dog you don’t know might have learned different tricks and commands than your own dog. Even the hand signals you use to communicate with your dog could mean something completely different to another dog. So, it’s only natural that you can’t expect the same results or reactions from every dog. In situations like these, it’s best to be careful and give unfamiliar dogs their space.
The Language Of Gift Giving
While we might wish for our canine companions to chat with us in words, it’s just not in their skill set. This often leaves us, as devoted pet parents, playing a bit of a guessing game when it comes to understanding what’s on their minds, and let’s face it, that can be quite the head-scratcher.

Now, here’s a charming little tidbit about how our furry friends express their affection: through gift-giving. But don’t hold your breath for extravagant, high-priced offerings. Most of the time, these gifts are plucked straight from the backyard and come in a range of sizes and types, from small deceased critters to various odds and ends.
The Squint Of Love
Humans tend to squint when they’re faced with a glaring sun or when an irritating particle finds its way into their eyes. The same can’t be said for our furry friends though. It might sound weird, but when you catch your dog gazing at you with a squint, consider yourself fortunate – you’ve just received a precious display of affection.

Surprisingly, this is just one of the many ways our dogs show their emotions to us. If they squint while being relaxed and happy, and they’re not scratching their eyes, it’s a sweet sign of their love and connection to you.
The Fox Sleeping Position
One more popular sleeping position that dogs absolutely adore is known as the “fox.” In this position, your furry friend curls up, tucks their paws snugly beneath them, and wraps their tail around themselves, forming a unique little ball shape. Now, what’s the story behind this particular sleep style, you might wonder?

Well, it’s a sign that your dog is instinctively trying to keep warm and safeguard their limbs and vital organs as they drift into the world of dreams. If you notice your pup in the fox position, it might be a hint that they’re feeling a tad chilly. So, think about giving them a warm blanket or maybe changing the temperature to make them feel more comfortable.
The Act Of Snarling
Snarling is when a dog curls its lip and reveals its teeth, typically as a precursor to growling or biting. It’s crucial for dog owners to recognize that snarling is a clear indication of aggression, rather than a playful gesture. So, be careful and don’t approach or attempt to interact with the dog when they’re this way!

When you come across a starling dog, it’s best to be careful and keep a safe distance unless you really like the idea of losing fingers. Snarling dogs are not happy or friendly; they are not in the mood for playing or being lighthearted. The smartest thing to do is to respect their need for space.
Before Hugging Your Dog
Is it a good idea to give your dogs a hug? Do they enjoy hugs the way humans do? Well, here’s the scoop for all the pet parents out there – it turns out that dogs aren’t exactly big fans of hugs. When you go in for a hug, they don’t quite grasp that it’s your way of expressing love.

In fact, some dogs might feel a little trapped and find it a bit unsettling. While most dogs may tolerate or accept hugs, they don’t naturally engage in this behavior because it’s not something they do with each other. So, they might not see it as a sign of affection or positivity.
Things To Consider Before Pointing
The act of pointing should be handled with care by dog owners. It’s important to avoid using it in various situations, as it can lead to confusion for your furry friend. If you’re pointing to indicate “no” or discourage a certain behavior, refrain from using it to highlight something positive simultaneously.

This approach might bewilder your dog and potentially affect its emotions. Clarity and good intentions are key. Pet guardians should bear in mind that using pointing to underscore a mistake isn’t an advisable strategy, so it’s essential to exercise extra caution in this regard.
Tug-Of-War Is Not All Fun And Games
Playing tug-of-war with your dog has many benefits. It improves impulse control, boosts confidence, and strengthens the bond between you and your pup. But keep in mind that there can be unintended consequences to this game that many people overlook.

Here’s the key: make sure to reward your furry companion when they’re tugging on the appropriate items like toys or a sturdy rope. On the flip side, avoid rewarding them when they decide to take a fancy to your clothing, be it ties, socks, or shirts. Otherwise, you might find yourself in a bit of a wardrobe crisis if your pup doesn’t stick to the right playthings!
Obedience Should Have Its Rewards
A key rule for dog owners is to remember how important it is to reward their furry friends when they obey. When your dog listens to you, make sure to give them some kind of positive feedback. If you don’t, your dog might start to wonder why they should keep following your instructions.

Positive reinforcement includes different forms like giving treats, petting them affectionately, giving their favorite toy, or praising them with words. While many dogs love treats, especially during training, it’s okay to try different rewards to find what works best for your dog. The important thing is to remember to reward them for being obedient!
Not Letting Them Be
Dogs will always be dogs, and as much as we might wish for them to be neat and tidy, it’s just not in their nature. It’s crucial for pet owners to recognize this fact. So, if your furry friends happen to bring a bit of the outdoors inside, don’t let it get under your skin.

Sure, the task of mopping and tidying up the house can eat into your valuable time and energy, but it’s part of the package when you decide to share your life with an adorable pup. If you’re not prepared for this responsibility, then maybe having a dog might not be the best choice for you.
Dogs On Alert
When dogs are on high alert, they often exhibit a rather tense and forward body posture. Moreover, their eyes tend to widen, ears perk forward, and their mouths may become closed and taut. You might also notice their tails held upright, with some even wagging.

Dogs typically assume this vigilant stance when they become intrigued by something that has piqued their curiosity. Their ears forward, they’re keenly tuned in to specific sounds. However, if they’re simply pacing around and appearing a bit restless, there’s usually no need for concern.
The Superman Pose
Have you ever observed a dog catching some Z’s in a rather amusing way? Picture this: they’re sprawls out with their front legs extended forward, hind legs kicked out behind, and their belly firmly pressed against the floor. This is known as the “Superman Pose,” or as some folks affectionately call it, a “sploot.” It’s a common sight among our more spirited and playful furry companions.

Now, when your dog sleeps like this, it means they need rest but are still eager to play. This sleeping position helps them recharge quickly so they’re always ready to play. These dogs don’t want to miss out on any fun!
Communication Through Butt Sniffing
While it might appear a bit gross at first glance, the practice of butt sniffing is actually quite important for our canine companions. You see, dogs use their sense of smell to communicate. Even a small change in scent can provide important information about a dog’s location, diet, and recent behavior.

In addition to its communicative role, butt sniffing has a soothing effect on dogs, helping to lower their stress levels. Think of it as the canine equivalent of a friendly handshake among humans. It assists dogs in gauging whether their fellow canines are on the same wavelength or not.
Giving Doggos Equal Love
While dogs might not possess emotions in the same way as young children, you should avoid showing favoritism towards one dog over another. Contrary to popular belief, dogs can indeed sense when you have a preference for one of them, and this can lead to feelings of sadness or depression in the neglected dog.

If you have more than one dog, it’s important to treat them all fairly and equally. If you give a treat to one dog, it’s only fair to give the same treat to the others. Every dog should feel loved and included, and none should feel left out or unloved. Imagine how sad that would be!
Training Your Dog Properly
Ask any experienced dog trainer, and they’ll readily confirm that training our four-legged companions is no simple task. It demands a continuous reserve of patience, energy, effort, and, most importantly, time. It’s no wonder that pet owners are willing to invest substantial sums to ensure their dogs receive proper training!

In a perfect world, if dogs could talk, training might be easier. However, we have to rely on non-verbal cues and signals, so it’s important for dog owners to be consistent with their commands. If you use “potty” for bodily functions, stick with it during training and avoid using other words that could confuse our beloved furry friends.
Know When Your Dog Is Exhausted
While we often view dogs as bundles of ceaseless and limitless energy, they too experience moments of fatigue. As a responsible dog owner, it’s crucial to recognize when your furry companion requires a well-deserved break. Fortunately, there are telltale signs to watch out for.

Signs of exhaustion in dogs include persistent yawning, diminished self-control, waning interest, excessive excitement, and your dog peacefully sprawled out on its back. When you see these signs, it’s time to give your dog some rest. After a break, your furry friend will feel happier and more refreshed.
Dogs Seek Approval
If you haven’t already, allow us to fill you in: dogs have a natural inclination to seek attention and approval from their beloved humans who they regard as their alpha figures. Now, there’s nothing wrong with seeking approval occasionally, but it becomes a concern when this pursuit becomes excessive.

Assuming your canine companion has undergone proper training, they should exhibit obedience. In such instances, you’ll likely observe your dog seeking your affirmation following the execution of a specific command. In these moments, it’s advisable to acknowledge your furry friend’s commendable efforts and reward them accordingly.
The Floppy Tongue
Is your doggie friend lounging with their tongue out? Wondering if you should rush to the vet in a panic? Don’t worry too much about it. It just means that your furry pal is feeling relaxed and comfy. As long as their tongue isn’t slanting to one side, you can relax knowing your four-legged buddy is perfectly fine.

Now, if you see any jaw injuries or your dog suddenly loses their lower canine teeth, that’s a different situation. In those cases, it’s best to get medical help right away. Oh, and just so you know: some dog breeds, like the Pekingese, have tongues that are a bit bigger for their mouths, which makes them look charmingly floppy. So, if you have one of those adorable Peke friends, don’t worry, their relaxed, lolling tongue is completely normal.
Eating Hacks
Dogs don’t naturally know how to eat their meals. In fact, most of them won’t start eating right away when you place their bowls down. You might notice different behaviors in dogs during mealtime. Some may be picky, taking their time to examine and sniff their food, while others may eat quickly and then look around for more food.

It’s not good to encourage your dog to eat food from places other than its bowl. It’s better if your dog only eats from its designated bowl. Also, you need to be determined and not give in to your dog’s cute tricks when it tries to distract you during mealtime!
Forcing Doggy Friends
While most dogs like making new dog friends, some prefer being alone, and that’s fine. However, it’s not okay to try to make your dog be friends with other dogs if they don’t want to. Instead of forcing it, it’s better to help your dog feel more confident.

Dogs with social anxiety may hide behind their owners and become nervous in social situations, which can result in accidents. The important thing is to remain calm when introducing your dog to another dog and avoid forcing interaction. Also, remember to reward and encourage calm behavior, as it can greatly help your dog feel more comfortable.
Sweet But Shy
As we mentioned before, your dog may sometimes curl up like a fox when they’re feeling a little cold. But here’s something interesting: If this becomes their usual way of sleeping, it could mean that they have a sweet yet somewhat shy personality. Can you believe it?

According to experts, dogs who often sleep in this pose are usually a bit shy with new people. However, they love snuggling with their owners, even though their posture may appear rigid and uncomfortable. So, if you notice that your furry friend prefers this sleeping position, don’t worry; they’re not trying to keep their distance. In fact, it’s the opposite!
Sitting On Your Lap
If you’re a girl, you probably like sitting on your partner’s lap. It just brings you closer, right? Well, guess what? Dogs feel the same way. Not all dogs do it, but many of them really love it. When your dog chooses to sit on your lap, it’s like their way of saying, “Hey, I want attention, or I just want to be closer to you.”

Dogs often see their humans as part of their group, so getting close and personal is their way of seeking warmth and companionship. Sometimes, it could also mean that they’re feeling a bit unsure and need some reassurance.