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30 Most Dangerous Cities In The U.S

30. Nashville, TN

Image: MiniTime

Despite being the home of country music, Nashville is actually one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. The violent crime rate in Nashville is 1,102 per 100,000 with an annual report of 7,400 reported incidents of rape, robbery and assault each year (including murder). While the crime is concentrated in low-income areas, you may want to rethink your country dream vacation.

29. Chicago, IL

Image: Pack Rat

Chicago may be known as the “windy city,” but it recently became a symbol of urban crime in the country. This is due to the fact that the city’s murder rate spiked by 50% in the last year. There were 765 murders last year, which is almost double the rate of New York City! How crazy is that?

28. Minneapolis, MN

Image: Capture Minnesota

Unfortunately, violent crime is common in Minneapolis, in fact, the city has the 10th highest rates of robbery and rape among the major cities in the U.S. Recent statistics have shown that the violent crime rate is currently 1,100- per 100,000. Yikes.

27. Buffalo, NY

Image: Industry Tap

One of the major problems the cities in upstate New York have been facing is economic decline. This has resulted in an increase in unemployment, lower incomes and an increase in violent crimes. In a city with a population of just around 250,000 people, there are around 2,900 murders, rapes, and robberies. We can’t say we’re looking to visit Buffalo anytime soon.

26. Beaumont, TX

Image: Innovative Air Solutions

Beaumont, Texas is seeing a surge in violent crimes that are increasing at a rate of 4.1% each year. With a poverty rate that continues to climb and violent crimes rate of 1,113 per 100,000, this is one city you may want to just drive on through without any stops.

25. Springfield, IL

Image: Downtown Springfield, Inc.

Springfield, MO may look picturesque, but hiding beneath its charm is a city swarming with violent crimes. There were over  1, 301 violent crimes in the city last year, which is growing on par with the national average. Thankfully, there is a silver lining, since property crime declined by 3.1%. Not sure that is much of a consolation prize.

24. Alexandria, LA

Image: Pinterest

23. Anchorage, AK

Image: Wikipedia

Anchorage may be a snowy wonderland with beautiful vistas and a wide variety of wildlife, but the city is also swarming with crime. This is due to the fact that half of the city’s population lives below the poverty line. While property crime has fallen nationwide by roughly 1.4% in the last year, Anchorage’s has increased by 24.1%! We recommend having a topnotch security system if your planning to move to Anchorage.

22. Lansing, MI

Image: Deviant Art

Lansing, Michigan may be the state capitol, but the city is struggling with a spike of aggravated assaults. This is partly due to the high poverty rate of 29.6%, which has resulted in a violent crime rate of 1,164 per 100,000. On the bright side, the city is still known for its good eats. You just might get assaulted while doing so.


21. Toledo, OH

Image: TBIR

Due to the widespread poverty in Toledo, it comes as no surprise that it has a problem with yearly violent crimes. With a poverty rate of 27.8 %, there were over 4, 020 property crimes per 100,000 people in the past year. Well, at least it has the Toledo Museum of Art which brings some culture to the city’s violence.

20. San Bernardino, CA

Image: Battarra

The city of San Bernardino saw one of its most violent years last year with 64 murders, the most since 1995. It’s believed that its under-resourced police department could be one of the contributing factors to violent crime rising within the city. The San Bernardino Police Department is severely underfunded and as officers retire or leave for more secure jobs, the force continues to dwindle.

19. Indianapolis, IN

Image: Trip Advisor

The violent crimes reported in Indianapolis are three-times the national average due to a high poverty rate, which currently sits at 21.3%. Thankfully, the crime isn’t widespread and is concentrated in the center of the city where unemployment runs rampant. Stick to the outskirts, and you should be just fine.

18. Stockton, California

Image: Granicus

The violent crime rate in Stockton, California is currently sitting at 1,421 per 100,000. Over 4,400 violent crimes were reported last year alone, with 3,000 being aggravated assault. Experts have determined that the city’s extraordinarily high unemployment rate, which sits at 8.1% factors into the problem in a major way. We’d have to agree.

17. Springfield, MO

Image: YouTube

What is it with cities named Springfield having issues with violent crimes? The second Springfield on our list, this city has struggled with a high violent crime rating for years. The violent crime rate is 1,337 per 100,000 and eight people were murdered in the last year alone. Visit at your own risk.



16. Oakland, CA


Oakland is known for its violence, which results in a violent crime rate of 1,426 per 100,000. With robberies and motor vehicle thefts leading the way, Oakland continues to struggle with a high poverty and unemployment rate. On the flipside, it has produced some amazing musicians over the past decade, so that could be seen as a plus.

15. Little Rock, AR

Image: Little Rock Family

It sounds hard to believe, but Little Rock has a very high violent crime rate that sits at 1,531 to 100,000.  The largest contributor to this rate is the high prevalence of aggravated assault, which accounts for 10% of the violent crimes committed each year. Since August 2017, Little Rock has had to increase its police street presence in an effort to fight back.

14. Milwaukee, WI

Image: Pack Rat

Milwaukee has a major crime problem, to put it bluntly. It has the 15th worst murder rate in the country and the 9th worst when it comes to aggravated assault.  Their robbery rate is also FIVE TIMES the national average. Also, if you own a vehicle…lock it up and get a boot. The car theft rate in the city is four times the national average. Who the heck would want to live there?

13. Cleveland, OH

Image: AmCon Shows

Crime in Cleveland, Ohio is widespread. This is due to the sad fact that 36.2% of the city’s population lives in poverty. With high unemployment rates and a growing rift between the police force and the community, violent crimes have skyrocketed to 1,631 per 100,000 in this past year alone. Sadly, it doesn’t look like things will be getting better anytime soon either.

12. Kansas City, MO

Image: CNN Money

Kansas City is considered to be one of the large metro areas that are directly responsible for the increase in violent crime nationally. The city saw an 18% spike in crime last year due specifically to a surge in murders and aggravated assaults. This is believed to have helped increase the national average, which rose 4% in 2017.

11. Rockford, IL

Image: Caring

Rockford recently had its most deadly years in recent history with 26 homicides. Currently, the violent crime rate is sitting at 1,659 to 100,000. The Rockford Police Department recently restructured in an attempt to improve their rate of solving violent crimes and have so far seen some success. At least things are moving in the right direction.


10. Baltimore, MD

Image: Thunderstruck

Violent crime runs rampant in Memphis, TN and accounts for a significant increase in violent crime nationally. In 2016, violent crimes rose by 15.4% in Baltimore, the most of any city in the entire U.S. Gun violence seems to be the biggest issue in the city, which are mostly concentrated in the poorest areas.

9. Memphis, TN

Image: Milestone Trailer

The violent crimes in Memphis are no joke, with a rate of 1,820 per 100,000, the poverty and unemployment are widespread throughout the city. Over 27.6% of the city’s residents live in poverty and with the shrinking police force, the city just can’t seem to catch a break. According to experts, the city needs roughly 2,500 working officers on the streets, currently, it is sitting at around 1,900.

8. St. Louis, MO

Image: Untapped Cities

St. Louis may be home to the iconic arch, but its violent crime levels are beginning to overshadow its history. The city has a violent crime rate of 1,913 per 100,000 which is one of the highest in the nation. Much of this is contributed to the city’s gun-related homicide, which has resulted in St. Louis having one of the highest murder rates nationwide.

7. Detroit, MI

Image: FlexiCorps

It should come as no surprise that Detroit is home to some of the worst violent crimes in the nation. The poverty rate is over 40%, which is known to increase the occurrence of violent crimes and the number of aggravated assaults have increased by a whopping 30% year-over-year. The police force is all but nonexistent in the city, with the relationship between the force and the community complete fractured. Many believe the city is a lost cause at this point.

6. Monroe, LA

Image: City Data

Due to its smaller population, the crime rate in Monroe, LA is skewed quite high. However, local real estate agents and members of the community agree that living in the city is no picnic. Thanks to a large amount of gun violence and property crime, many people choose to commute to the city for work due to how bad the violent crime rate has grown.


5. Camden, NJ

Image: The Wall Street Journal

An online research group recently found Camden, NJ as one of the most dangerous cities in the nation, averaging over 1,800 violent crimes per year. Thankfully, the police force has currently seen an overhaul with the hopes that it will decrease the violent crime rating over time.

4. Wilmington, DE

Image: DoubleTree

Only a short drive from Philidelphia, Wilmington has a big problem with violent crime. Thanks to a high poverty level and increasing unemployment, the city has struggled when it comes to crime over the years. A dwindling police force has also contributed to the problem and the city is currently home to one of the largest populations of sex offenders in the nation.

3. Myrtle Beach, SC

Image: Wayfarer Motel

It may have beautiful beaches, but Myrtle Beach, SC is considered to be one of the top 3 most dangerous cities in the United States. Currently, the violent crime rate is 1,600 per 100,000. You may want to rethink that vacation to the pier.

2. Pine Bluff, AK

Image: Bike Across America Tour

Pine Bluff, AK has a population of 46,000 and the violent crime is through the roof. In the past year has experienced over 1,500 aggravated assaults and 764 rapes, making it one of the top three most dangerous cities for women. Ladies, you might want to skip passing through this hotbed of crime.

1. Charleston, WV

Image: Travelthrone

Charleston, West Virginia has repeatedly made it on Top 100 Dangerous Places to Live in the U.S. due to the high levels of drug-related incidents. The city is known to have a major crystal meth problem and heroin sales run rampant. This has increased the levels of crime in the city, which according to locals has cast a dark cloud on its reputation.
