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20 Mistakes People Did At Walt Disney Parks That Got Them Kicked Out

The ‘Happiest Place On Earth’ might be a dream place where all things adults are missing. Well, almost all of them are… because there are some strict rules you must follow if you want to happily end your tour. If not, you’re going to see the park from the outside!

These parks are fun, but safety is critical so Disney must make sure that everyone is behaving and not ruining the happy feel of the amusement park. While some rules are obvious – who would carry a weapon in this park anyway? – but some rules are a bit weird… Check out this list with what people did and got them kicked out of a Disney park.

20. Where to Carry Your Balloons?

It’s a bit weird to hear that you cannot carry a balloon, since Disney sells them. You are not allowed to carry them into the Animal Kingdom – all for the animals’ safety. They also forbid entering the Animal Kingdom with plastic straws or drink lids. So be sure to throw them in the bin if you want to enter the kingdom and not be asked to leave!

19. Costumes

It might be popular to cosplay and dress like a Disney character. But adults – people fourteen or older, are forbidden to cosplay or wear masks because Disney wants the children to have positive experiences with the characters – the staff that is paid to be the character they love, not any person who is in a costume and could be rude or mean…

18. Don’t Cut Balloon Strings

There are countless videos of mean adults cutting the strings of the kids’ balloons. The videos show kids looking up at their balloons and crying, so whoever catches you doing this evil thing will lead to getting you kicked out of the park. And you deserve it!

17. How to Take Selfies

The perfect selfie at Disney has been seen for countless times on social media and Disney parks don’t forbid it. However, they don’t allow you to use a selfie stick. In 2015, a selfie stick was used on a ride and it halted that ride for almost an hour. Wheeled shoes and skateboards are also banned.

16. The Dress Code

We said you’re not allowed to wear costumes, but you’re also warn against wearing clothes that5 are too revealing. Sports bras or bikini tops are banned, but you can wear shorts and a tank top on hot days – just keep it family friendly!

15. Filming?

You can document your time at Disney, but not the time when you’re on the rides. This is for your safety – if one of the items are dropped into the mechanisms, the staff must stop the ride. Plus, imagine being hit in the face with a dropped phone while in a roller coaster…

14. Don’t Fight!

It’s hot, it’s crowded, someone just annoyed you and you feel like punching someone, even a Disney character. Well, that thing will surely get you kicked out. Nobody wants to see a Disney character getting their butt kicked. It happened once when a father punched Tigger in the face….


13. Treat People With Respect

Even if you don’t punch one of the cast members, it doesn’t mean you can annoy them. You must treat everyone with respect, and if one of them sees you’re not behaving, they can call security to come and tell you to chill out or to take you outside. You cannot be rude to cast members, grab, pull, yell or just bug them when they’re doing their job.

12. Don’t Wear a Wedding Dress

Don’t go to the parks dressed in a wedding dress. For example, Natasha Narula went to Disneyland with her daughter who wore a generic princess dress. To match her daughter’s outfit, Narula wore a wedding dress. Unfortunately, they were banned because they violated the cosplay rule…

11. Where to Smoke?

These parks have special places where adults can smoke – the places are usually hidden from kids’ sight. If smokers don’t stick to those places, security will kick you out, as smoking is considered a health hazard for the other guests – many of them being kids and babies.

10. A Happy Place

We know Disney parks are the places we go to get away from reality, so why would you ever think of entering with a banner and protest in the park? It did happen in the recent years, but those people were kicked out – because protests are banned in the park.

9. Gadgets and Filming

Disney doesn’t want to take risks and they banned drones to avoid potential incidents with the rides. Forget about epic filming in Disney. Leave the drones at home if you want to enter the park. Talking about rides…

8. Behave on Rides

We all know that you get off the ride at the end and no, you cannot sit and go again without waiting in line! Slow rides like Pirates of the Caribbean even had guests that got off rides in the middle of the ride to take selfies and explore the setting! A thing they did not know was that the floor had sensors!

7. About Those Long Lines

We all hate waiting in line, but many people who want to experience the Disney settings have to wait. In addition, FastPass is only for people that cannot wait, but you cannot cut in line, or else you get kicked out!


6. Don’t Swim Here!

There are many water parks you can try in Disney parks, but some visitors jumped in any place that contained water, like the moats, fountains and lagoons! Disney is against this behavior purely for safety reasons. People could slip, get injured and even drown. So don’t think about splashing in the castle’s moat!

5. How To Behave in The Animal Kingdom

You are not Snow White, so don’t feed the animals in the Animal Kingdom and not even the ducks that appear in the park! This is for the safety of all animals – the snacks in the park are not for the wild animals and they are fed on a regular schedule.

4. Bribing the Guide

The editor at the Chive, Mac Faulkner has been some ridiculous things at Disney – including bribing a guide. While these antics have made him a legend, Disney didn’t think the behavior to be funny. The man had a tea party with the animatronic robots and removed clothes on rides, wanted to pay for things with ‘Crazy Cash’ chips and so on…

3. Minors and Adults

It happens all over the country and in Disney Parks. However, Disney is strict about the underage that violate the alcohol drinking rules. They don’t allow minors to drink alcohol, and they will ID anyone drinking alcohol at any time.

2. That’s Creepy!

Believe it or not, but some people’s wishes was to have their ashes scattered in a Disney Park. And this is banned and against the law. And it’s not even worth the risk, considering that these ashes are vacuumed and dumped in the trash!

1. Drinking Alcohol

Many Disney parks are strict about adult drinks – they allow it in sit-down establishments, but adults should not overdo it, or else they get kicked out of the park so that they won’t have bad behavior.
