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15 Metallic Trends You Need In Your Home Decor

If you want to make some interesting additions to your house, and let’s face it, we all love home renovations, then you should think about adding some shine to it. Metallic details or pieces of furniture add some warmth to the house and work great with any color pallet. They work as accessories and also give that shiny feel and freshness to your rooms.

Think of brass, copper, aluminum, and gold, each matched and mixed in tasteful ideas. That’s what we added in our gallery, along with tips on how to pick the perfect combination according to the rooms and things you already own.

20. A Touch of Metallic Shine

A room gets so much glamour with just a few details here and there that come in metallic finishes. Stainless steel or other metals make you think of industrial places, but if you add just a few hints of metal in the right places, it will make the space bigger, warmer and more interesting.

Here are some important tips on how to mix metallic textures to your home.

19. A Metallic Feature Wall

Choose a focal point in the room and try different colors, patterns, and finishes. If you choose a metallic finish like the one in the photo above, the wall will become reflective; the light will bounce off it and draw the attention. Here’s another way to add some shine without going over the top.

18. Decorating Rules

In decorating a house, there are many rules that, if followed, it would make the house look perfect. However, when it comes to mixing different types of metal, there is no such rule. Gone is the day when mixing gold with silver was a crime! There is one single thing you have to consider if you want the rooms to be elegant…

17. How to Mix Metals

It sounds intimidating to start mixing metals – you don’t have just gold and silver. You have steel, copper, and brass, and then there are also different finishes: stainless steel, hammered copper, or matte finishes. Then, you must also consider color combinations. Do not worry, we have the best ideas and tips in the following photos.

16. Add More Materials

We said we’re going to talk about metals and how to add them to a room, but you don’t need to just look at the metal materials. You can, for example, go to the kitchen and place some copper kitchenware on display. Go to the living room and add a decorative art piece or table that comes in a silver hue – like the one in the next photo.

15. Metallic Light Fixtures

The easiest way to add some metallic details to the room is to start with light fixtures. They’re easy to find and come in so many ranges of metallic finishes that will allow you to match them to the colors in the room. A great thing about metallic light fixtures is that their reflective surfaces help disperse both natural and artificial light.


14. Chandeliers or Pendants

Make the room interesting with a chandelier or a ceiling pendant that will make you look upward. For example, these pendant lamps are perfect for the dining room or kitchen, as you can hang them right over the dining table or the counters. Now let’s go back to the kitchen and see what else we can change…

13. A Metallic Backsplash

Refreshing the backsplashes in the kitchen seems to be trendy these years. Why not try a metallic backsplash that will help reflect light in the kitchen. We love this interesting mix of different colors that make the kitchen feel warm and luxurious. Plus, they make you think of squeaky clean surfaces and go perfectly with the sink!

12. Subtle Details

Use metal finishes in details like drawer pulls, doorknobs or hinges. They’re easy to find, and if you add some small items to the room, make sure they match the colors like the ones in this photo. It’s so easy to change them because you already have the hardware or furniture.

11. Think Utilitarian

You don’t have money to spend on so many things like luxurious artwork or this awesome metal and glass table at #6. So the cheapest way to add some metallic finish to your house is to hang some metal pieces like copper pots, tools or items to bring depth to space and make them aesthetically pleasing.

10. Metallic Planters

Another cheap way to add that shine to your rooms is to get a few copper, silver or gold planters that will shine under the colorful flowers or green leaves. You can even spray paint your old ones in metallic paint for a cheaper DIY weekend.

9. Mix The Polished With the Rough

The eclectic feel can be seen in the mix between the polished and the hammered metal, no matter its colors. Use just a single metal – like brass, and try different finishes: glossy, matte and hammered to add different textures and still have a uniform look.

8. Elegance in the Room

We love this brass starburst sideboard that is in full contrast with the deep blue room. It adds style and luxury to the room, and it’s the ultimate statement piece of furniture, perfect as the focal point of your room. If you’re looking to reenact this style, then you should start vintage shopping.


7. Mirrors and Metals

The ideal mix is the one between mirrors and metallic. The room is perfect with a mirror that reflects the décor and makes the space more open. Plus, the mirror also reflects the metallic frames and the light in the house. These brass mirrored glass pieces that are overlapped create a contemporary feel.

6. Miror Furniture

This mirrored copper coffee table is perfect when you want to add a mirror right in the middle of the room. The copper gives the table a vintage feel, but you could surely look for a similar table in gold, silver, or a mix between them.

5. How to Balance Metallic Types

It’s important to have balance when you’re playing with metals. Choose a dominant metal type for the room, and then add small details in a different metal. For example, your kitchen has stainless steel as a dominant metal. You should then consider adding cast iron, brass or gold when it comes to small details.

4. Cool Versus Warm

Make metals pop by adding a warm metal accent to the cool one. As we have previously mentioned, add gold or copper to stainless steel and always keep one of them dominant. It will make for a perfect and minimalist look, similar to this marble floor lamp – which has a cool hue but a warm gold colored stem.

3. Subtle Touch

Keep space between your metallic pieces. Add secondary metal colors to space out metallic pieces of the same color. You can also add a small sculpture or some colored jewelry to make the décor balanced. Talking about space and balance…

2. Accent Pieces

It’s important to know when to stop, or else the home will turn out tacky. If you want to use three different metals, distribute the accent pieces evenly and don’t forget about the dominant metal. It’s also a good idea to use a dominant metal with another one that comes in two different finishes.

1. Not Too Much Sheen

Last but not least, don’t make your house too shiny, or else the reflected light will distract the attention from the beautiful objects. Use everything sparingly and place the shiny objects near those that are matte to make them stand out.
